Fungal Sinusitis Is Rare, But Can Be Dangerous

Fungal sinusitis is an infection that causes inflammation of the mucus linings inside our nose. It’s considered quite rare but also more dangerous than general fungal infections. There are various types of this infection.


Types of Infection

Mycetoma Fungal Sinusitis is the first. It produces fungal clumps in the maxillary sinus cavity after infection. It’s considered non-invasive. While it does cause nasal discomfort, it only causes moderate inflammation.

Allergic Fungal Sinusitis is more invasive. This type is common in people who have lower immune systems. With this infection, thick fungal mucus develops in the sinus cavities. It’s removed via surgery, and is then treated with ongoing anti-fungal medication.

Chronic Indolent Sinusitis is a progressive infection. It develops over long periods of time before it’s noticed. Its main characteristics are the lesions that the inflammation leave in the sinus cavities. It can also lead to headaches and facial swelling. In extreme cases, it can also cause temporary blindness.

Fulminant Sinusitis is the most serious of the 4, as the infection leads to destruction. This destruction generally occurs in the sinus cavities. It can also progress to the bone that surrounds those cavities. This means it can cause irreparable decay in the cavities that encase the eyeball and brain.

There are other infections but these are some of the most common ones.

How Are They Dangerous?

With fungal sinusitis, the time that the infection has been present can determine the severity of its consequences. The longer it’s been active determines the likelihood of it spreading.

The inflammation as a result of the infection spreading can lead to meningitis. Other infections in the bone or skin are also possible.

In rare cases, it also leads to vision impairment. If the infection reaches the eye socket, it can leave permanent damage.


Early detection is key with fungal sinusitis. Through early detection, the appropriate treatments can be applied, which can stop the progression of the infection and inflammation, thwarting the more dangerous possibilities of this illness.

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